Unlocking Customer Insights: Yard Card Business Customer Journey Analysis

Getting to know your customers and their journey is just like getting to know a new friend. It’s super important for awesome marketing! Think of it as understanding their story from when they first hear about your business to when they become happy customers. When you know their journey, you can talk to them in a way that makes sense at each step. This means your messages, products, and services will feel just right for them. Plus, you can help them with their problems and give them what they’re looking for. All of this leads to trust and strong friendships with your customers, which is a win-win for everyone! So, let’s get to know your customers and their journey, and make your marketing even more amazing!

Who is your customer?

Your Yard Card Rental Business can serve a wide range of people, offering unique and personalized displays for various events and occasions. Here are some customers you can cater to:

  1. Individuals: Serve individuals of all ages who want to celebrate their birthdays, anniversaries, graduations, retirements, and other personal milestones.
  2. Families: Provide yard card displays for family gatherings, reunions, welcome home celebrations, baby showers, and other family-related events.
  3. Couples: Cater to couples celebrating engagements, weddings, anniversaries, and romantic occasions.
  4. Parents: Create magical displays for children’s birthdays, school achievements, and other kid-centric events.
  5. Teens and Young Adults: Design trendy and fun displays for prom proposals, graduations, Sweet 16 parties, and other youthful celebrations.
  6. Sports Enthusiasts: Offer displays for sports events, victories, team celebrations, and fan gatherings.
  7. Businesses: Serve corporate clients by providing branded displays for grand openings, product launches, promotions, and company milestones.
  8. Charities and Nonprofits: Collaborate with organizations to promote their events, fundraisers, and causes through eye-catching yard card displays.
  9. Community Organizations: Partner with local clubs, associations, and community groups for events like fairs, festivals, and cultural celebrations.
  10. Schools and Educational Institutions: Provide displays for school events, graduations, academic achievements, and fundraisers.
  11. Religious Groups: Cater to religious communities for events such as holidays, ceremonies, and special gatherings.
  12. Event Planners: Collaborate with event planners to enhance their clients’ celebrations with unique yard card displays.
  13. Real Estate Agents: Offer “Congratulations on Your New Home” displays or collaborate on open houses and real estate events.
  14. Local Businesses: Create displays for store openings, promotions, and special sales events to attract foot traffic.
  15. Healthcare Facilities: Partner with hospitals and healthcare facilities to celebrate patients’ recoveries, births, and special occasions.
  16. Retirement Communities: Serve residents of retirement communities by providing displays for birthdays, anniversaries, and community events.
  17. Tourism and Hospitality: Collaborate with hotels, resorts, and tourist attractions for special guest welcome displays.
  18. Photographers: Work with photographers to enhance their clients’ photoshoots with themed yard card backdrops.

Remember, the key is to identify the specific needs and desires of each customer and tailor your yard card displays to create unforgettable and meaningful experiences for them. Your ability to cater to a diverse range of customers will be one of your business’s strengths!

How does a customer rent a sign? Let’s talk about their journey

Let’s walk through the exciting journey a customer takes when renting a yard card from your business:

1. Discovery and Research:

Your potential customer hears about your Yard Card Rental Business through word of mouth, social media, your website, or other marketing efforts.

They visit your website or social media profiles to learn more about your offerings, themes, and customization options.

They may read reviews, testimonials, or see photos of your previous displays to get a sense of the quality and creativity you offer.

What you need to be discovered: A website, social media profiles (Facebook/Instagram/TikTok), marketing material (Postcards, business Cards)

  • Build a user-friendly and visually appealing website showcasing your yard card displays, themes, customization options, and contact information. Optimize your website for local search engine optimization (SEO) to ensure that your business appears in local search results.
  • Establish active social media profiles on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest to share photos, customer testimonials, and updates.
  • Claim and optimize your Google My Business listing to appear in local maps and searches.

Actions you can take to get your business discovered:

On a daily basis

  • Engage with your audience by responding to comments, running contests, and sharing behind-the-scenes content.

On a weekly basis

  • Create and schedule weekly marketing content, such as blog posts, social media updates, or email newsletters. Regularly post high-quality photos of your displays on social media to showcase your creativity and catch people’s attention.
  • Check your website for any issues, update content, and ensure that contact information is accurate.
  • Plan and send out a weekly email newsletter or promotional offer to your subscriber list.
  • Facebook Groups: Regularly post promotions and updates about your yard sign business in relevant local Facebook groups and marketplace listings.

Occasional (Event-Based) Tasks:

  • Event Promotion: If you participate in local events or sponsor community activities, plan and promote your involvement.
  • SEO Optimization: Regularly review and update your website’s SEO to improve search engine rankings.
  • Seasonal Specials: Plan and launch seasonal promotions or special offers, such as holiday-themed signs.
  • Network Building: Attend networking events or join local business associations to expand your connections.
  • Collaborations: Identify and reach out to local businesses with similar audiences for potential collaborations or cross-promotions.
  • Giveaways: Plan and execute occasional giveaways or contests on social media to engage and grow your audience.
  • Attend local events, fairs, and markets to showcase your displays and connect with potential customers in person.

2. Selection and Customization, Booking and Payment

The customer decides on the occasion they want to celebrate and the type of yard card display they’re interested in. They browse through your available themes, designs, and decoration options to find the perfect fit for their event. They may choose specific colors, messages, or additional decorations to personalize the display. The customer fills out a booking form on your website, providing details about their event date, location, contact information, and customization preferences. They might indicate any special requests, delivery instructions, or additional services they’re interested in.

The customer receives a confirmation email or call from you, verifying the details of their booking and discussing any special instructions.

They receive an invoice with the total cost of the rental, any add-ons, and payment options. The customer makes a payment online or over the phone to secure their booking.

What you need

  • Inventory (See Inventory & Tips)
  • Communication with Customer – Business Phone/Email/Form on Website or social media Pages
  • A system to track orders, payment options,  

Actions on a regular basis:

Daily Tasks:

  • Customer Inquiries: Respond promptly to customer inquiries via phone, email, or social media.
  • Order Tracking: Keep track of current orders, including delivery dates, locations, and special instructions.
  • Review your inventory to ensure you have an adequate supply of signs and accessories.

Occasional (Event-Based) Tasks:

  • Introduce new sign designs or personalization options to attract repeat customers.

3. Preparing for the Event, Delivery and Setup

Leading up to the event, you stay in touch with the customer to confirm the setup time, location, and any last-minute details. You prepare the yard card display, ensuring all decorations, signs, and accessories are ready to go. On the agreed-upon date and time, you arrive at the event location to set up the yard card display. You carefully arrange the signs, decorations, and any requested accessories to create a stunning and eye-catching display.

What you need

  • Signs, Stakes, Tools
  • Sign Care Instructions to drop at the yard owner.
  • Camera to take photos

Actions on a regular basis:

After installing the sign

  • Take photos of the sign
  • Make a blog post on your website using the photo of the sign installed
  • Make social media posts using the photo of the sign installed

4. Follow-Up and Feedback, Repeat Business and Referrals

You follow up with the customer to gather feedback on their experience and ensure their satisfaction. If the customer agrees, you might share photos of the display on your social media platforms or website to showcase your work.

A happy customer becomes a potential repeat customer for future events. Satisfied customers may refer your business to friends, family, or colleagues who are planning their own celebrations.

What you need

  • Postcard or Marketing Material with your social media links, link to leave a review

Actions on a regular basis:

When you pick up signs

  • Thank the customer for their business
  • Customer Feedback: Gather feedback from customers and use it to improve your services and customer experience.
  • Encourage satisfied customers to share their experiences and photos of your displays on your Google Business Profile or social media pages.
  • Encourage satisfied customers to refer their friends and family by offering discounts or incentives for successful referrals.

Remember, each customer’s journey is unique, and providing exceptional customer service and a memorable experience at every step will contribute to the success and growth of your Yard Card Rental Business!


At Two Little Sparrows, we help Yard Sign Businesses and Party Rental Businesses grow with Professional Websites and Digital Marketing. We serve Local Businesses with a storefront or home-based businesses. Know anyone who needs a Website? Email me at hello@twolittlesparrows.com or message me m.me/twolittlesparrowsUS