Fresno Stork Company

Teri is a corporate flight attendant who flies a few times a month. Recently, while visiting her daughter in Los Angeles, she saw a cute stork in someone’s yard and did a Google search to find out more. That’s how she discovered Beth’s company – Stork Lady.

When her grandson Beau was born, she wanted to get one of those cute storks for their yard but couldn’t find anyone in the area who offered them. So she made her own birth announcement sign and decorated their front yard instead. But she always wished she could have gotten a stork. She is excited to announce that she has started her very own stork rental company!

She is thrilled to be able to offer these adorable storks in her area and help people celebrate the arrival of their new babies by decorating their front yards. It’s such a fun way to share your joyous news with everyone and let them know about your new little one.

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