8 Surprisingly Easy Referral Marketing Strategies for Your Local Business

8 Surprisingly Easy Referral Marketing Strategies for Your Local Business
Surprisingly Easy Referral Marketing Strategies for Your Yard Sign Rental Business

The most effective marketing strategy for your Local business is word of mouth. However, most businesses experience the word of mouth marketing by accident and not through design. Because most leads are generated through word of mouth, it is highly important and extremely effective to have written strategies. This set of rules allows your marketing strategy to be more consistent and focuses on current customers, who are the main reason for these referrals.

These 9 tips will make the entire referral marketing process much easier for you and your business.

  1. Ask for a referral at the right time: When a customer makes a positive comment regarding your service, you ask for a referral. Requesting your customers for a referral as you hand them their invoice might come off as burdensome for them.
  2. Schedule exit interviews: Asking for feedback and ways to improve is one way of initiating the referral process. Questions like “Would you recommend us based on your experience with us?” is one way of seeking referrals from customers.
  3. Have a clear and simple referral offer: A clear-cut and simple referral offer is more effective in grabbing your customers’ attention. The offer should never be too long and should get to the point.
  4. Have a separate page for referral programs: The page should be self-evident, with all the terms and conditions stated. Viewers should be able to find this easily, with the page being strictly for referrals.
  5. Reward customers for referrals: Instead of just sending a thank you note, provide rewards such as gifts, etc., to customers for referrals. Making a big deal out of this will make other customers inclined to opt for referral programs as well.
  6. Referral plans with other non-competing businesses: Forming alliances with businesses is yet another way of getting referrals. This can be done by offering discounts and rewards to businesses that send over customers your way.
  7. Provide VIP status to anyone who refers customers: Making these people feel more special will persuade them to refer even more customers for extra perks.
  8. Making charitable donations in your client’s name: Such acts will cause clients to share these certificates in gratitude, which will account for even more referral leads.
Surprisingly Easy Referral Marketing Strategies for Your Yard Sign Rental Business
Surprisingly Easy Referral Marketing Strategies for Your Yard Sign Rental Business

At Two Little Sparrows, we help Yard Sign Businesses and Party Rental Businesses grow with Professional Websites and Digital Marketing. We serve Local Businesses with a storefront or home-based businesses. Know anyone who needs a Website? Email me at hello@twolittlesparrows.com or message me m.me/twolittlesparrowsUS